Because of its large size, this figure has been divided into five parts and is only available as compresssed PostScript files: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. They are ~400KB files which expand to ~3MB each.

Figure 1: Reduced torus images from 1997. Image of Jupiter provides position and scale. Jovian north is up, and east (or dawn or approaching) ansa is left. "[lambda]III" is the System III CML. Each night's images are scaled together to a maximum intensity, given in table I; intensities should be regarded as preliminary. Not all cosmic ray hits and other artifacts have been removed. Many images exhibit a band of light from southeast to northwest; this is a jovian scattered light artifact.

Copyright © 2000 R. Carey Woodward Jr. and/or the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin, as their interests lie. You may view and download this work for your personal use, but may not redistribute it or make commercial or public professional use of it without permission.